Tuesday, January 26, 2016

CT Mystery Skype Visits

We just love Skyping here at Gainfield School; who doesn't? Skyping improves students' communication skills, helps us connect with others and reach a wider audience with our learning and sharing.

This year, all grade three students are participating in a Mystery Skype visit with a class from an unknown town in CT. What is their main goal?  You guessed it; students need to guess the town the other students live in by asking them some carefully crafted questions.  First, we brainstormed geography specific vocabulary that we could use in the development of our questions.  Then, we held a practice Skype visit during which we divided the classes in half.  We went back and forth asking questions such as, "Is your town east of the CT river?"  or "Does your county border Rhode Island?"

Grade three students work in teams to identify the mystery location.

Students communicate with each other using Skype technology.

Finally, on the day of the Skype, after the towns were revealed, each school shared some information about their town that the other school may find interesting!  Our first Skype visit was with our neighboring town of Middlebury!  We are having so much fun connecting with others.  A big thank you to teachers, Kim Benton and Shelia Hawley, for organizing this network of teachers and classrooms!

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