Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Power of Technology

On May 21, 2015, many Gainfield students and families came together to celebrate technology.  Student presenters showed off their knowledge of tech tools such as Google Drive, Discovery Education, Voice Thread, Destiny Quest (book reviews), and much, much more!  The night began with a brief presentation by Mrs. Smith and me about the recent technology shifts that are shaping our teaching practices.  Then, families ventured to the LMC to learn about various tech tools students use at our school.  Parents reflected on their own new learning by commenting via an online Padlet.  A fun, informative night was had by all.

 Third grade students demonstrating the power of Google Earth software.

Fourth grade students smiling about using their Voice Memo app to gain greater reading fluency.

A kindergarten student shows a parent the capabilities of Pebble Go database for early reader research.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Tasty Books

Most everyone knows about food and wine tastings. The gist is that you get a sampling of many different flavors without consuming too much of one specific thing, right? Same goes for a book tasting.  The students at Gainfield School have experienced this before. To get to know Kathleen Krull's wonderful biographies this past fall, students sat before one of her books, had a recording sheet to write down their opinion, a SmartBoard timer and their own "getting to know book" strategies---then they were off! It's amazing what you can learn about a book in just two minutes. After their tasting, students rotate to another spot at their tables to "taste" another gem.

Each year in Connecticut, librarians, teachers and students wait in anticipation for May 1st. On this day, the Connecticut Nutmeg Nominated books make their debut.  At Gainfield School this May, second graders were the first to get their hands on the 2016 Elementary Nutmegs. Students took their job as tasters very seriously. The only sighs I heard were those when I announced that the books were not yet available for checking out. Aaaah, I love my job!